As we prepare to leave NW Arkansas, our church, family, and friends, we are a bit saddened to be leaving, although we are leaving with a feeling of anticipation for what God has in store for us.
We have been here in Prairie Grove with our daughter and her husband, (they graciously allowed us to be a part of their household for about 6 weeks), We have watched the does grow heavy with fawns, then soon the mothers began to bring their babies onto the yard for us to see. We often felt there were triplets, sometimes we saw shadows but never really had proof. Thursday was the day!!!! As we looked out the front window, two fawns appeared, then another. The third one began to paw at the other two, sort of saying get off my lawn. Pretty soon, as the other two ran for cover in the trees, two more appeared. Hmmm, that makes three on the lawn. They began to run and play together, assuredly siblings. The other two wandered out of the woods, and over to their mother for protection, who also appeared on the scene. God created all animals for our enjoyment! It is so relaxing to just be able to sit outside and be a part of that enjoyment.
I attended the last work out session at our church Thursday morning. Thank you, Annie, for being a great leader and having patience with "mature" women. Body Gospel is a great spiritual workout and a time to fellowship with Christian women with the same goal in mind, to lose some extra pounds and shape up. "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own: you were bought at a price. therefore honor God with your body." I Corinthians 6:19-20. I hope to continue this workout at Alamo Rec Veh Park this winter for all ladies who feel inclined to join.
I also attended a Prison to Purpose workshop in Springdale with other ladies wanting to hear more about God's Word. It was a soul searching morning listening to Chaplain DeWitt of the Arkansas Department of Corrections telling us how to submit to the authority of God. If you cannot submit to God, you are not free. How many of us do not like authority in our lives. Stacy Smith and other ladies who had been incarcerated related to us how their lives changed in prison after accepting Jesus as their Savior through the PAL (The Principles and Applications for Life) program offered in an Arkansas prison. An important lesson for all of us is that compassion is the worst enemy of correction. We enable bad habits of family and friends by always bailing them out of trouble or "fixing it" for them! Is that not the opposite of tough love???
We often wonder why we should memorize Scripture. If you want to make statements about your faith, be prepared to document it - back it up with the Biblical truth! I hope I can remember to put into practice a portion of what I heard - and then work on the rest.
Today is our youngest daughter's 23rd wedding anniversary. Christine and Scott grew up together although they lived miles apart, becoming fast friends before they became husband and wife - and are still friends today. They had two cakes - sorry you cannot see the one on the right as it is camouflaged (Chris and Scott love to hunt)!!!!
two cakes - a paradise for a sweet tooth |
My next blog will be coming to you from S Texas, as we leave tomorrow. Please pray for travel safety for us, for God to clearly let us know which path to follow, and for the ability to submit to God's authority.