A Merry and Blessed Christmas to All
Yes this is a bit late this week, but after a busy busy past two weeks and then travel to family in NW Arkansas, this is the first chance I got to do justice to the blog.
As I said, God so very much blessed the ministry with donations. On Sunday we packed many bags for the Christmas Distribution, as well as gathered all of the presents for the kiddos in the colonias. Guess I posted pictures of that last week. All week donations continued to come in, so we collected, wrapped, and packaged, as well as doing a Tuesday distribution, where each family received a small frozen chicken, just right for Christmas dinner. Friday we arrived in the colonias with a truck and trailer load of food as well as a back seat filled with Christmas gifts. As the girls started to unload, another pick up arrived with all of the bags we previously packed (each one containing many canned goods and a small canned ham) and all of the presents we wrapped, followed by a flurry of activity as we prepared to distribute the food and gifts. After the distribution (thank you Lord for providing enough for everyone who showed up, as well as enough gifts for the kids) we gathered for prayer and a short devotion that I had prepared about Joseph and Mary's obedience to the Lord, which I will reprint at the end of this blog. This was followed by gift distribution to the loyal ladies who help out every week, as well as a gift card for us to use for travel. After thanks and praises, a bountiful meal prepared by the ladies. Homemade tamales (a Mexican Christmas tradition), fried rice, potato salad, and various salsas. And for dessert one of the ladies made a scrumptious strawberry flan. we soon left to tie up loose ends and prepare to leave the next day to visit Chaplain Roy and Paula Gee in Joshua, Texas for a short visit and then onto Arkansas to spend Christmas with our daughters, the first time we spent Christmas with them in about 15 years.

tomatoes anyone
the baskets ready to fill with a bountiful of food - the purple boxes contain papayas
boxes full of toys

some of the kiddos who live in the colonias also received presents
this little guy was busy eating quavaus
While at the Gee's we drove through Christmas in Texas light exhibit which was so very beautiful - it took us at least 30minutes to drive through it all.
a drive through sparkling trees
country church
the reason for the season
a quiet scene
gingerbread house for everyone
homoring our firefighters
and emergency workers
Our daughter, where we are staying has decorated house house and patio so beautifully. We sat outside on the pation today with a fire in the outdoor fireplace, just enjoy the beauty (and the relaxation for us)
Christmas candles she made from 4 x 4 pieces of lumber
her outdoor tree
even the deer was decorated
Joseph, An Earthy Father
Matthew 1:18-21
“This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about. His
mother, Mary, was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came
together, she was found to be pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph, her
husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public
disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly. But after he considered this,
an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, and said, “Joseph son of
David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is
conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you
are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their
When God chose Mary to become the mother of Jesus, she did
not fully understand but responded that she was the Lord’s servant. God also entrusted Joseph to be Jesus’ earthly
father. What did God see in Joseph? A righteous man, a man that God knew would
act appropriately when he found out Mary was with child which was not his. Joseph’s
first reaction was to break the engagement, and quietly put Mary aside,
therefore causing her no shame.
Joseph was a man of God and accepted the words of the angel
and went about his life, honoring Mary for the humble and obedient woman she
Because of his obedience and faith, Jesus was born the Son
of God in Bethlehem but raised as Jesus, the son of Joseph of Nazareth. How
many times do we questions God’s plans for our lives (who me, Lord, I’m too
old, or not smart or strong enough, etc.) thinking that we know better what is
good for us. If we were more like Joseph and Mary, accepting God’s direction in
our lives by obedience, imagine how much more amazing our lives would be.
Because of Joseph’s faith, prophecy was fulfilled, “The
virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call Him Immanuel,
which means “God is with us”. Matthew
As we prepare for Christmas and the birth of our Lord and
Savior, let us also remember what His birth means to us. God sent His only Son
to earth to save us from our sins, to give us salvation that we do not
This is always a special time of the year for us as
Christians as we celebrate the first coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We have
to focus on what that first coming means. He gave His life so ours could live
in Him. This Christmas I encourage you to think about that first Christmas, to
allow Jesus to become the Lord of your life. Let Him rule and reign in you so
that in all of these present difficulties you can praise and give thanks for
Him. Respond like Mary did with the words, “I am the Lord’s servant”.
A safe and wonderful Christmas holiday to all - remember the reason for this beautiful season.