For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord
My beautiful manger scene was a gift from my brother years ago - it is the first thing that is put up for Christmas and the last thing to take down. I put it under my tree in the Texas room last year, but did not like it there, because I could not look at it all the time as a remembrance of the greatest gift of all. It is Fontainni and I did find a couple of new pieces that I did not have for this year. The two camels and the little drummer boy - (you probably cannot see him as he is behind Joseph in an opening in the stable). I think I need a few more sheep, too, but will wait until next Christmas.

Another busy week, but one so full of blessings. On Tuesday we went to Reynosa for the RIN Christmas party which is always so full of surprises. Of course all of the kids are all excited and almost besides themselves with anticipation. They have practiced their skit all week and are ready to show off all they have learned. Betsy focuses on the reason for the season, no Santa Claus or reindeer at all. Three van loads of us safely crossed the border and found ourselves also ready to see what the day held. We were ushered in groups by an older kid who was our leader, waving a wand with a glittering ornament on it. There were separate stations along the way, each one depicting a part of the Christmas story. The kids were so proud of their parts in the skits and performed excellently. After all of this performing, we were served the typical Christmas dinner - Chicken cor don blu, only it was not cor don blu, but some other tantalizing sauce, the ever present green noodles, mashed potatoes, and a roil (no butter in Mexico), followed by a miniature cup cake. After everyone was well fed, we went to the auditorium for the presenting of Christmas presents. Some of the newer kiddos never saw so many presents in one place (perhaps never even saw a wrapped gift) and could hardly contain themselves until all the gifts were handed out and Melana gave the "uno, duo, tres"signal to begin opening their presents. As you can imagine, it was total bedlam, the only time the kids are allowed to totally lose control and go wild!
These are the older college kids telling us in English a bit about themselves - some graduated already - a dentist, a graphic designer, and an industrial engineer. Our girl Paty is second from the left, studying to be a lawyer. |
Betsy and Melana giving us instructions ( as always happens)
the first scene - the angel appearing to Mary |
Mary visiting Elizabeth with her news |
the angel appearing to Joseph |
the animals adoring Jesus in the stable |
the shepherds asleep that glorious night |
the host of angels announcing the birth of the Savior |
the wise men following the route of the star
bringing gifts to the newborn child
Paty, posing near the tower of presents
how are they going to get the presents from the top

just crawl up there!
the fellow was so excited -
Paty with her Canadian sponsors - they will not return next year because of health problems, so she spent time with them that day
much excitement as presents are torn open
We returned to the US tired, but filled with happiness, knowing that the kids are well taken care of, not wanting for anything, yet being taught the real meaning of Christmas. They are all going to a colonia in Reynosa later this week to hand out gifts to others not as fortunate as they are. What an amazing testimony.
I met this week Cheryl Perkins, the amazing part of a gospel group Ambassadors of Grace, who will be presenting our ladies retreat in February. We hashed out a few plans and realized that we are on the same page as far as what the retreat should do for the ladies. As this is our 10th annual retreat (have I really been doing this for 10 years?) we hope to have a few surprises in store for the ladies. I will be turning the reins over to someone else - new blood and ideas are good. Pray that the right person steps up and takes over.
As we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, let us remember what a great sacrifice God made - could you give up your one and only child in order to save the world? Make this next week be a week of love, hope, and faith.