The weekend was truly busy. The men started on Friday as they mixed and stuffed the sausage (70+#) - what amazing smells all around. This seems to be yearly ritual - making sausage and brats to last until next year. This year they also made Polish sausage with cheese. The best part is that we all get to taste it - the left over meat is fried and passed around to sample. Saturday was the brat stuffing and sausage smoking day. As this is a man thing, two of our daughters and myself went to town shopping and doing town chores (Rx's, Wal-Mart stop, etc.). Hill City Popcorn was on the go to list. Great new flavor (at least for me) blackberry flavored with white chocolate. That store is really dangerous. Downtown Fayetteville was flowing with folks, some attending the Farmer's Market, some just coming from a Pride parade, and lots of visitors. We did manage to find a parking spot near Cask and Grove - the specialty oil and vinegar store tucked away on a side street. Fabulous pace to taste different infused oils and vinegars - especially if a person is a creative cook. The wild mushroom and sage is perfect for baking asparagus - just cover the asparagus with the oil, place on a baking sheet, sprinkle with salt, and bake about 25 minutes. Don't worry if you bake it too long - the crispy asparagus is out of this world. Back home to find the men just waiting for the smoker to do it's work.
Todd getting ready to stuff sausage
serious work stuffing sausage
Scott is an expert at tying

ready for the smoker
enough for 3+ families
happily smoking - it took about 9 hours
the pork, which was ground last week ready to be made into brats
shaping and twisting the brats
all done
while the brat making was going on the Polish sausage was quietly smoking

cheese filled Polish sausage - delicious
now the all day job of packaging and sealing
Saturday Brenda (#3 daughter) and I drove to Fort Smith for the 1st birthday party of one of our great grand daughters, Harper while Christine (#4 daughter) stayed and helped the men package all the meat. The drive from Fayetteville to Fort Smith is so beautiful, although we took short-cut through Hog Eye (yep, really a pace called Hog Eye). A really winding road, but so peaceful as we enjoyed the untamed Arkansas woods. A few homes, but mostly untouched and wild. The party was enjoyable as we met a few new people sa well as family members. Harper is a sweet natured child and for the most part always smiling. She still is not too sure bout me but then she has not been around me much. Granddaughter Casey was also there along with two other great grandchildren, Brielle and Jaylen. It always amazes me what God can do with just two people - from our marriage 56 years ago, we are now an immediate family of 18 - guess we really took God at His word and went forth and multiplied.
Harper was not too sure about the cake until Grandpa Darrell gave her a taste
then she got the idea and got right into it
opening presents with Mama Sydney
singing Happy Birthday - by then she wanted no part of cake
Sunday was another glorious day in the House of the Lord at PGCC. Pastor Vance gave another powerful sermon relating to caring for your neighbors based on the story of the good Samaritan. Who is our neighbor?? Can we decide who is really our neighbor - those who we can love and share with?? Is it your co-workers, your friends, those folks on your block, your church friends, or the person on the street corner asking for a handout??? When you help your neighbor, give from your heart, not worrying about what that person is going to do with your gift -after it leaves your heart it becomes theirs. Let God be your guide - let Him lay it on your heart to give and to whom to give and help. Don't miss out on the opportunity to help others, no matter the situation or how "religious" we think we are.
Along with helping your neighbor, remember to help yourselves - help your family relationships by making amends. It doesn't matter whose "fault" it is that you are not speaking to family members or close friends - take the first step and bridge that gap.
Continue to pray for those lost in the world of addictions.