It has been a glorious, week, with so many unexpected pleasures. It started out on Tuesday as I went to the local Post Office to do some mailing. As I walked into the post office, a rooster crowed. Yep - loud and clear. At first I thought it was some sort of sound activated device - then it crowed a few more times. Guess someone was sending a rooster - only in South Texas. As Fred and I left the following day to pick up a complete bed and bedding for a family in the colonias Fred told me to get my camera ready. Right next to our driveway was a turtle laying eggs. We sure hope they hatch before we leave on our trek North - we may put a sort of a fence around them while we are here, so we can corral them and take them down to the lake before some critter swallows them up.
mama laying her eggs
I tried hard not to disturb her
I did finish the Arkansas Crossroads quilt and sent it off to the quilter to be quilted. I then cut out and started the quilt for our new great-grandson due in June - hopefully we will be in Wisconsin when he arrives. I am beginning to feel more confident in working on a quilt project -the girls in Busy Bees on Fridays are so very helpful - always suggesting ideas or techniques and not making me feel stupid or inapt. Thanks to all the experienced quilters for their understanding. Perhaps next week I will have some pictures of my projects.
As Friday was St. Patrick's Day, the park held a parade - sort of a short one, but pretty nice. I settled myself outside with a cup of coffee and camera, as the participants passed by. An added plus - they threw treats to me!!!! I chose a roll of Smarties and gave the rest to Fred.
happy St. Patrick's Day as she threw some treats
a bicycle built for two
waves and smiles are great treats, too
hello everyone
friends and neighbors, Don and Jo
even the dogs joined in the fun
Saturday brought the Jan-March birthday celebrations at RIN in Reynosa. As we traveled to Mexico with 3 vans, including our good friends Doug and Yvonne, we noticed the line heading out of Mexico to the US - a really LONG line. As this was the first time for a few of the passengers, we hoped that they,too, would be blessed. After a short tour of the compound including 2 Casa's and the school, we met in the Quonset hut for the program - honoring all those with Jan, Feb, and March birthdays. After presenting them with ribbons, they posed before opening their presents. Usually, a lunch is served, but Mexican director, Malena, announced she had forgotten to order the food so we all loaded up and went to the Sirloin buffet in Reynosa. (this was all planned ahead of time, as we Americans moaned and groaned because no meal was planned, but it was a surprise for the kids). What a great time we had - some of the kids enjoyed their meals and headed for the desserts afterwards, some just ate the desserts, the older boys filled their plates more than once, some just sat and ate, while others flitted all over the place. After visiting we loaded up and headed back across the border, this time taking a different brudge with a supposedly shorter wait time (the bridge we came over on was about a 2 hour wait). We did have to wait about an hour but arrived safely home tired but blessed as always by the love and affection from the kids

presents, ready and waiting
the intermediate room - for the kids who come to the home and have had no education at all - kids of all ages are in this room
friend Doug hiding behind the door - does he belong in the intermediate room?
newly painted bathrooms between the two school buildings
bright colors that the kids love
tiles in a newly renovated Casa bathroom - the tile is beautiful - actually a raised design
Paty, Fred, and me - we never did a picture of Belinda as she was one of the flitters!
director, Betsy Chicon on the left, celebrating her 49th birthday
he was so proud of his ribbon
this was one of the 4 brothers who came a few years ago - not able to use utensils while eating and still in diapers
all the birthday "kids"
they had to wait until Mexican director, Malena, gave the signal to open presents: uno duo, tres"
and the race is on
some of these kids never received a wrapped present before
beautiful new shoes
his very first pair of shoes all for himself
beautiful Paty
two waiters at the restaurant goofing off
the salmon and fish were delicious
the dessert bar
and more dessert
a shy little girl and her Mom at the chocolate fountain
salads and more salads
my plate - it looks full, but it is all salad on the left - and mostly Chinese on the right
the inside of one section of the restaurant
This was the last Sunday in many parks for church services. We went to Mission Bell to hear Jim Maxson's last sermon for the year - so appropriate for the end of season here in S Texas as many folks are hitting the road for home. Where you wind up depends on which road you take- such a simple idea but often overlooked by so many of us.This is also so true in the spiritual world. Whatever road you take forever will determine where you spend eternity forever. We all are born and will die - we will eventually get to our final destination. "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while, and then vanishes". James 4:14. Similar verses are Job 9;25 and Psalm 90:10. There are only two roads to eternity - heaven or hell. There is the broad way - where everything is based on yourself and your personal pleasures. "everything is OK", it is my life, I'll do it my way". Guess what -- you are not really in control. God is. You are just sometimes a pawn of the devil. The narrow road is God's plan - the road we must follow. That does not mean you cannot enjoy life, have projects, friends, goals, leisure time. It just means that you follow God's road to assure your place in eternity. It is not easy, but the rewards are heavenly - everlasting life with Him - the blessed assurance He promises all of us.
Enjoy the summer - the endless roads you can travel - but make sure you follow the right road to reach your final destination.