It is almost unbelievable to think that Thanksgiving is this week - with all the media revolving around the election and the aftermath there has hardly been time to even begin to think about giving thanks. When we got the newspaper this morning from our Sunday paper lady, she informed us that on Thursday she will have all the Black Friday ads - nope - not for me. No way am I going on there in the world on Black Friday. We need to just pray for all of those dedicated folks who have to work on holidays and nights - those in the medical field, the firemen, police and security that keep us safe, but let us not forget those who work the night shifts - those who, while we are sleeping, keep our world spinning as usual - the night factory workers, the shelf stockers at Walmart, those who work all night in restaurants and gas stations, the blue collar workers who keep our lives normal during the day. These are the forgotten workers who we seldom ever see but who are just as important as those whom we do see.
This week as I was enjoying the perfect weather and watching the water birds on the lake, a cormorant was swimming in the lake right after he dove and caught a fish. As he swam around with the fish in his mouth, an egret swooped down and tried to grab the fish from his month. All I saw was a flurry of wings and feathers - hooray, the cormorant won, swimming away with his catch. Had I just been on my way, not paying attention to all the wonders around me, I would have missed this awesome moment. Take time to enjoy this amazing world.
This week we were so blessed as a lady (a resident of our park from Canada) arrived with 100 of those cute pillowcase dresses - sundresses made from pillowcases or fabric the same size as pillowcase. In each pocket in the front of every dress was a small toiletry item and a small new toy - yes, 100 of them!!! I was totally overwhelmed with emotion - that someone had taken the time to make these dresses, supply the toys and other items, and then send them by way of Canada to us for our ministry The most amazing part is that they come from Wyoming! I don't know how this ever came about but for the grace of God. The lady who fashions these dresses Enid Thompson (according to he newspaper article sent along with the dresses) does so in about 50 hours a year. She recently celebrated her 80th birthday and wants to continue to sew these sweet little dresses as long as there are volunteers to take them to those in need. It proves that person is never too old to do God's work.
an older embroidered pillowcase |
just three of 100
This week we began our sewing get together as we all started or worked on projects. I just about have the quilt finished for our soon-to-be great grandson, a almost finished quilt was also being worked on by another frien, as well as new quilting projects, and items to be sold at the craft sale. We also began a new quilt project or two - I started an "Arkansas Crossroads" quilt - a scrappy quilt with over 600 small squares. It is not nearly as difficult as I thought and I am anxious to see it finished.
getting ready to begin
some visiting, some sewing - my project is on the left
an amazing quilter with much needed advice to us novices
Judi - always ready and willing to help while working on her Arkansas Crossroads quilt
sewing purses for the craft show
Today we attended services at Mission Bell RV Park with Chaplain Jim
Maxson officiating. This was his first
service for the season ( Aatually his first Sunday at the park) which was very well attended. He spoke about the power of prayer - why, when, and how should we pray. Everyone prays in some form or another but does everyone expect their prayers to be answered?? And if so, do we often think our prayers should be answered immediately? Sometimes it takes many days, month, or years of praying to finally get an answer but usually when that answer comes, it comes with more blessing
than we could ever imagine. Why do we pray? We pray
for ourselves, for others (intercessory prayer), in an emergency, or for comfort. Sometimes we pray to make a deal - you know how that goes - Lord, if you would just grant me this, I will go to church every Sunday from now on, etc. God wants
us to pray because He commands us to do so, He wants to have a relationship with us. Pray for everyone and everything everyday because it please God. When should we pray? Constantly. Pray at meals, bedtime, before, during, and after church series, when we need something, when we need something found or fixed, God loves to hear from us and wants us to pray, but is it different from when we want to pray?? He wants us to wake up, praising and glorifying Him, a
nd to continue until we lay our heads down to sleep at night. How should we pray?? Should it be with our eyes closed, heads bowed or should it be standing up, raising our hands to the heavens? Should w
e pray
alone or with friends, in private or openly?? God just wants us to pray earnestly, specifically, and confidently. Pray, knowing and expecting God to answer. Pray always, in all things, and in all manner. We all have needs so pray with grateful heats, all the time, live our lives in a
prayerful attitude, and pray earnestly, specifically, and confidently.
As Thanksgiving Day arrives, thank God for all of His provisions, - then continue to pray constantly.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
For some reason, this blog did not want me to post pictures at all this afternoon - yep - I prayed and God answered!!!!!