Next week at this time we should be back in S Texas hopefully relaxing after 2 months of visiting, working, and promoting Caring Hearts Ministry. We are so blessed that many folks believe in the work we do for the Lord and are so supportive.
The rest of this week is so very jam packed with last minute commitments, visits, and packing! This week I sewed cushions for our daughter's outdoor furniture and will do some mending for her (she absolutely hates to sew). Mission committee meetings, a dinner engagement, a week-end of making sausage and brats to take to S Texas, church and Sunday School, last minute visits with friends and relatives to name a few. The area church sponsored resale store has donated a trailer full of clothing for the colonias, which we will take back to Texas with us - praise God for their love and support also.
our daughter and husband made the bench, bought the pillows, and I made the cushions |
there are two chairs like these |
they also made this island near the grill - so very talented |
We enjoy the quiet evening sitting on the patio watching all the small wildlife here in Arkansas. The bunnies, birds, and squirrels are constant companions on the patio, not seeming afraid of us at all. Resident guinea, Fred, wanders around, not getting too close, but very companionable. Last evening a mama deer and her baby stood in the driveway for us to admire, as a huge (I mean really, really huge) ground hog munched on the grass nearby. God has created such a wonderful place for us to live - imagine what Eden was like!!!! "All things were made through Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made". John 1:3
We celebrated the 4th of July last Sunday with a family cook-out - son-in-law Scott again outdid himself with his grilling skills pulled pork and brisket, the rest of us just bringing the sides (we were responsible for purchasing the brisket). Lots of fun with the great grandchildren and sparklers, small fireworks, etc. A day to reflect on this great country in which we live in - if not for all of those who suffered and died, we would not be able to enjoy the day, pray when and where we choose, and have the freedoms we have. Our forefathers founded this country on Christian values which certainly have fallen by the wayside in this century. Pray for a spiritual revival to turn our country back to God. "All evil comes from those who ignore the precepts of the Bible".
three of the four great grand daughters - twins Kinley and Kenzie and Brielle
Brielle had along day - exhausted as her mother, grand daughter Casey, messed with her hair
On the 4th of July, we drove down to Fort Smith to spend the day with our daughter, grand daughter, and new great grand daughter, Harper Rae, as well as friend Darrell Vowel. It was a cloudy, rainy morning but the drive was absolutely gorgeous, as it always is. The wonders of nature just never cease to amaze me.
the clouds and the mist make an unbelievable sight
the clouds over the mountains
if you look really closely on the top right of the picture, you can see the vague outline of the mountain
God's handiwork is magnificent
going through the tunnel it looks as if the semi is coming right toward us - actually it was being towed backwards by another semi - scary
me, great grand daughter Harper, daughter Chandra, grand daughter Sydney
This Sunday will be our last Sunday at our home church, Prairie Grove Christian Church with Senior Pastor Vance Eubanks. He is an amazing man of God - every sermon is definitely inspired by the Holy Spirit and filled with inspiration and instruction. A side note - Vance is an avid biker (not motorcycle!!) and as he was biking along a country road the other day, a black bear ambled toward him on the same road. The bear soon strolled off into the brush on the side of the road - I wonder if Vance beat his own speed record???
our fantastic praise team and sanctuary at Prairie Grove Christian Church
Vance's sermon last Sunday was based on the story of Issac and the quest for a wife for him. What was so interesting is that Vance emphasized the fact that Bible stories are not made up, they are a true history. Issac's story is one of a bachelor, a story of God and not one made in Hollywood. Issac was 30+ years old, not married yet, and his father, Abraham, became worried, as God had promised all the Promised Land to him and all the generations after him - more than the stars in the sky and sands on the shore. Abraham sent a servant to the land of his ancestors who people believed as he did to find a wife for his son.The servant went out on his journey, remembering that God is always in front of us and preparing the way to keep His promises. All we need to do is pray and get in position to receive God's blessings. If your prayers are right with God, you can expect an answer from God. Read Genesis 24:1-67 to find out the rest of the story. God is working on things right now that you know nothing about. Remember - God's got it!!!!!
Let God take the lead - don't get ahead of Him. Pray, position yourself to receive His blessings, and praise Him when He blesses you.