A huge thank you to all Veterans - to anyone who has ever served in the military, whose sacrifice has enabled you are able to read this as I am free to write it. If you see a service man or woman in public, step up to them, shake their hand, and say "thank you for your service", pay for their meal, or just acknowledge their decision to serve. Not too many people recognize their sacrifice, as well as the sacrifice of their family, as they serve this great country. And we do live in a great country, regardless of the problems and undercurrents. The elections are over, the Bible instructs to respect authority - we don't necessarily have to like the leader or his/her policies, but please respect the position and remember who is our real King.
By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, their starry host by the breath of HIS mouth. HE gathers the waters of the sea into jars: HE puts the deep into storehouses. Let all the earth fear the LORD, let all the people of the world revere HIM. For HE spoke and it came to be: He commanded, and it stood firm. The LORD foils the plans of the nations: HE thwarts the purposes of the peoples. But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of HIS heart through all generations.
Blessed is the nation whose GOD is the LORD, the people He chose for HIS inheritance.
Psalm 33:6-12
This week was the first CRMI Chaplains meeting. We felt so blessed to see everyone again (or most everyone, as some are not here yet, and some have been re-assigned to other areas). It was a time to physically re-connect as some have kept in touch wherever they were. We touched bases on everyone's assignment or ministry, encouraging each other for the coming year. We also took part in a training session on grief Counseling where we included some of our friends and Chaplains via the internet. It was a time to gather all the Chaplain wives (who themselves are Chaplains) to prepare for our "God's Worthy Women" retreat in February - it really takes a lot of planning and co-operation to make this event truly fruitful for those attending. Our theme this year is Fresh Water - relating to actual fresh water and living water. We hope to empower women with a heart for missions, give them a time for fellowship with Christian women, and listen to an awesome Bible Study. At one of our earlier retreats, a lady was led to the Lord - our greatest accomplishment, not through us but through the love of Jesus.
Chaplains arriving - General Director Raymond Smith officiating |
Bob Reusch checking out electronic devices |
asking questions and thinking hard! |
and the ever present food |
JoAnn Horwitz sampling the fruit
We have started our evening Bible Study at CHI for volunteers and anyone else who cares to join us. Right now there are just a few of us, but "when two or three come together in My name, there am I with them". Matthew 18:20. We are studying Luke and the wonderful Christmas Story, as well as the story of the life of Jesus on earth. Please join us on Monday nights at 5:30 if you are in Pharr, Texas!
ready to begin - let's watch and see how our group grows
did I forget to mention that an evening meal is included - this week was lasagna
I am continuing my early morning 3 mile walk - every day gets much easier to get up and walk! Fred accompanied me a few times this last week and we just both meditated on the coming day as we walked together companionably. I took an very interesting picture - you have to really concentrate to see this one. A dove flew into a glass window on one of the laundry areas - if you look closely, on the reflection of the fence in the middle bottom section, you will see an outline of a wing - if you follow it up, you will soon discover the entire imprint of the dove. I certainly hope it was not injured - but perhaps just took a big bump!
May you all have a wonderful week in the Lord, praising and thanking him for everything - looking for the goodness in all adversity.