As we relax in Arkansas, this seems to be our down time, if there is even such a thing. We spent the first week scheduling doctor and dentist appointments, moving our granddaughter to her first apartment, and thinking about what we really don't need of our "stuff" - in anticipation of another yard sale. The greatest part of our homecoming is attending services at our home church, Prairie Grove Christian Church and listening again to our minister, Vance Eubanks, who is truly inspired by the Holy Spirit. Some of the ladies have started a Tuesday and Thursday morning exercise program, inspired by the Word of God. I almost talked myself out of going, but went anyway. WOW!!! What an awesome time. Of course, all of the other ladies were younger, some with small children, but what a group we made. I have to admit, the other ladies were politely positive about my attempt to keep up!! The short (although it seemed verrrry long to me) session was spiked with Christian music - imagine exercising to praise and worship songs - as well as inspiring verses. I did to have to take a couple of short breaks, while the younger gals kept on. Hopefully, by the end of a couple of weeks, I will be able to make it through the whole program with no problem. I truly love our church for being so mission focused, concentrating on others, and truly Loving God, Loving Others, Serving Others. PGCC offers endless ways to serve, either in the church itself and through outreach programs. Jesus said the greatest commandment is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-39)

PGCC on a wintery day
We never forget about our ministry in Reynosa, Mexico. We communicate often with Director Betsy Chacon, who relates all of the activities going on. Graduation exercises have been held, all of the children moving up one grade - those going into 7th grade ( including Lupe and Paty, the two sisters we sponsor) will be bused to a middle school in Reynosa - their first time in a public school. Pray that they remember all of their teaching and continue to follow the Word of God. There are so very many unfavorable outside influences that the kids really need all the Christian encouragement they can get. It is also the busy time of the year for the TEAMS - church groups traveling to Reynosa to work for a week, as well as having the opportunity to minister to and love the children. We are also starting the renovation on our second Casa - these homes have not been remodeled since they were built 35 years ago. Last year we finished the remodeling of Casa #3. Casa #4 has already been gutted and the remodeling started. We are anxiously looking forward to returning South Texas, so we can see all the wonderful things happening there through the grace of God, provided for by your generous
a remodeled kitchen in Casa #3
While staying with our daughter Christine and her husband Scott, we get the opportunity to watch all the amazing wildlife in their yard. especially are the deer with their new fawns - so far 2 sets of twins, one single, and possibly a set of triplets. It is especially rewarding and relaxing to sit outside in the evening and watch them come up to feed. Even our daughter's dog, Cocoa, simply lies in the grass watching them. The deer are not afraid at all as they seem to know that we present no danger.
another one of God's beautiful creatures
this mama is a bit shy
the twins being loving
one twin having a late snack - the other one is already finished
The weather is quite warm here as well as very dry. There are burn bans in almost every county in Arkansas as it is tinder dry - the grass is almost all brown. Absolutely no open fires - even grilling(unless it is gas or electric). The danger of fire is very high. How high is the danger of fire in our lives?? Are we convicted to follow God, accept Jesus as our Savior, and be forgiven of our sins, or are we condemned to the eternal fire of Hell? I am glad I am a part of God's eternal burn ban!!!!
We again would like to thank all of you who have been partners in our ministry by your continued support and love. If God lays it upon your heart to to partner with us, please go to and click on online support.