Two weeks ago we traveled to Reynosa, taking everything that was needed for the Dia Del Nino ( Day of the Child) the following Thursday. As many items were probably going to befrowned upon by border guards, we concentrated on getting safely to Reynosa with no problems. But as usual, God was with us and we received a green light (no need for insprection) as we drove into into Reynosa. We arrived at RIN in time for a quick lunch with the kids, unloaded everything and prepared to head back across the border. Things are very quiet now and we do not have a long wait in line ot re-enter the US - perhaps 10-15 minutes.
"our" girls, Lupe and Paty, and their Tia (housemother) |
the children all have duties after lunch - sweeping time |
even Winter Texan volunteer, Larry, helped out |
kp duty |
brightly colored Mexican homes on the way back to the US |
Thursday arrived early (way too early), and 6 of us, along with Director Betsy Chacon, headed back to Reynosa with all the necessary items to make this Dia Del Nino special for all of the children. The theme was Hawaiian, focused on water games and fun. All of the children were divided into 4 teams of all ages: red (rojo), blue (azul), yellow, (amarillo), and green (verde). They had visors to indicate their team color, as well as were issued plastic baskets in their team color to carry all their "treasures" in.
Director Betsy giving the team leaders (RIN teachers) instructions |
here come the kids from school |
happy day of the child |
my namesake, Leila |
Melana giving directions and passing out baskets to match visors |
green team getting baskets
There were 4 different team games, each one earning individual and team points. Halfway through the team participation, was snack time - cookies (baked by CHI volunteers) and Tang. |
first game, water balloon toss - each person earned points for themselves plus team points |
Dan with his water gun - the hit of the day for the kids |
even the puppies were interested in what was happening |
the second game was to try to find the balls while blindfolded and crawling through a soaker hose. All the time friends were trying to give them direction - so much fun to watch
some children just did not want to get wet
After this game, the children looked cold, so we toweled them off and warmed them up with snacks of cookies and Tang - their favorite drink.
snack time - everyone got waterbottles full of Tang or water, and cookies.
After a break and time to chase each other with squirt guns, filled by willing volunteers, it was on to the last two games.
Jesse filling some water guns - I think he was having way too much fun |
the third game was to try to pick up as many marbles as possible with your toes - some smaller children got into the tub
and some bigger ones just straddled the tub - the most marbles icked up - 64!!!!!
The final game was in two parts - one was to see how many grande (LARGE) bubbles a person could blow, and then another turn to see how long the bubbles were visable - 43 seconds was the longest time recorded. After all the games were done, the children were gathered up and had supper - wonderful chicken salad sandwiches (with carrots and potatoes) potato chips, with hot sauce, cole slaw, ad topped off with fruit with hot sauce (chamoy) for dessert. We did buy a bottle of chamoy in Mexico so we could keep the memories alive after we retuned to Arkansas. It really is very good - a wonderful blend of sweet and a bit spicy.The team leaders were tallying up the scores while the chldren enjoyed thier meal on a beautiful day in Reynosa.
Paty trying to see how grande her bubbles get
Lupe trying to make her bubbles last the longest
and the winning team was --- the green team
a unique birdhiuse at RIN made by a volunteer
the food is ready
the children were allowed 10 seconds to choose a prize as a result of overall individual scores - everyone got a prize
even toenails were decorated for the occassion
two very tired directors at the end of the day
This was our very last trip to Reynosa for the spring. We left with promises to write to the children and telling them we would return in the fall, if that is God's plan for us.
We left Texas this morning, after a week of babysitting for Chaplain Dennis and Sally Maloney's cat at our house, Sam was very, very good, only objecting when I tried to keep him from wandering too far from our house.
Sam Maloney
As we left S Texas this morning (very early) I reflected on how God has blessed us by allowing us to participate and even help initiate different mission outreaches this year. We give Him all the praise and glory in this, and ask that He continues to grow these programs. As we travel back to Arkansas, by way of Louisiana and Memphis, TN our lives will be filled with church, volunteer, and family events. I will continue to update our activities every week through this blog as we are amazed at what God can do. We thank each and every one of you who has taken the time to follow our "Preussless Pathways" as we continue to do His bidding.